Free Spirit, Tula Pink, Coven - Oleander || Nightshade (D?eja Vu)
Nightshade is the newest installment in Tula's annually released “Deja Vu” collection. The Deja Vu category is Tula's way of giving people a new shot at an old collection that they might have missed. Tula created a brand-new color variation of the original artwork and re-release that variation for new fans and old ones. By issuing the collection in a new color it maintains the value of the original print run by creating a clear distinction between the new re-issue and the original printing. The new version brings with it 10+ years of Tula's own growth and color explorations hopefully giving you something that is even better than the earlier versions! Nightshade was originally released in 2011-2012 as a Halloween collection to much confusion, due to the lack of pumpkins and candy corn, and it has become a cult favorite over the years.